


Plant ecology is one the subject matter of many subject matters that be taught for biology student at the university, including at the biology department of State University of Medan. It is hoped, through out that subject matter the student has competency to comprehend diversity and abundance of plant in nature. For this purpose, plant ecology instruction must be done by using of learning resource that be found nature. One of learning resource is Sibolangit recreation forest. In this paper, it is discussed and presented the research result the potency of Sibolangit recreation forest as learning resource for plant ecology instruction. Research result showed, there was 71 species of flora that belong to 48 family that can be used as learning resource for plant ecology instruction. Pterocarpus indicus, Bauhinia purpurea and Samanea saman were dominant species. The plant which has specific and giant flower, namely Amorphophallus titanicum Becc can also be found in that recreation forest.

Keyword : Potency, Sibolangit, Forest, Resource Based Instruction, Ecology Instruction

Ecology is biology branch that discuss interrelationship between organisms with their environment. Begon et al. (1990) define ecology as the science that discusses interactions which determine the distribution and abundance of organisms in nature. Therefore, in ecology be studied diversity, abundance and distribution of organisms in nature, as well as factors that influence of biodiversity, abundance and distribution of plants and animals in nature. The objectives of plant ecology instruction at the university, including in Biology department of State University of Medan are the students have competency to comprehend diversity and abundance of Indonesia flora, especially that be found in North-Sumatera. The student must also comprehend its distribution in nature.
As the branch of biology, plant ecology instruction can be carried out both in classroom and laboratory, as well as in the field or nature laboratory (Subiyanto, 1990). In this case, to reach the competency, the learning resource or media which be found in classroom, laboratory, and nature environment can be used. Sudjoko (1985) has confirmed, biology instruction, including plant ecology can be done through field trip in nature or by ecotourism as according to Fandeli and Mukhlison (1994). Of course, the instruction model like this can decrease or lost of verbalism from the student life. Sibolangit recreation forest with the space 24.85 ha is one of biodiversity conservation area in Northsumatera. This forest situates in Sibolangit, Deli Serdang regency. Its distance is 40 km from Medan and can be reached by bus only in one hour. Actually, with its flora richness, Sibolangit recreation forest has big potency as learning resource or media for biology instruction, especially for plant ecology. This big potency can be used by students that live at around of Berastagi city, Karo regency, Dairi regency, Deli Serdang regency and Medan city. However, information about biodiversity and abundance of its flora is still restrictive. Based on that problems, research which attempts to exposes the potency of Sibolangit recreation forest as learning resource for biology instruction, including plant ecology has been done in the year 1994/1995 (Binari et al., 1995). The result of the research is discussed in this paper.

B. Solution
1. Material and Methods
For study the potency of Sibolangit recreation forest as learning resource for plant ecology instruction, some material and method were needed. These materials and methods were as following:
a. Research tools and materials
Some tools and materials that have been used for observation and registration of flora were loupe, telescope, pencil, camera, note book, and stereo microscope. Meanwhile, machete, scissor, knife, stake and some rope were used for flora collection.

b. Research procedures
Research procedures were done according to Krebs (1989). In this case, biodiversity and abundance of flora was taken from the quadrates plot that be placed on the forest. Furthermore, flora identification was based on reference of Laurence (1951), Latiff (1991), Hsuan Keng (1969), Marsono (1977), Heywood (1978), Steenis (1950, 1988), and Tjitrosoepomo (1989). However, data analysis of prominence value of plant or flora was carried out according to Barbour et al. (1987) and Brower et al. (1990).

c. Result and Discussions
• Flora diversity
Result of research showed, there was at least 71 flora species that belong to 48 family in Sibolangit recreation forest that can be used as learning resource for plant ecology instruction at the university.

From the above data, there is so many species and family of flora that grow in Sibolangit recreation forest. Therefore, it means, the role or potency of that forest as learning resource for plant ecology instruction can be confirmed. Actually, this potency can also be used for higher plant taxonomy instruction. By using this recreation forest as learning resource or media, verbalism can be lost from plat ecology instruction and other science of biology branches (Sadiman et al., 2007). It means too, the quality of plant ecology instruction as a science can be increased both in process and product (Dunkin & Biddle, 1974). Hence, the purpose of plant ecology learning, namely to understand the real life process in environment can be reached, too (Sjarmidi & Rustaman, 1995). Improvement of plant ecology instruction both in process and product have implication on graduation quality, mainly on graduation who will work as teacher in the future. Furthermore, this matter has direct effect on student quality as the future generation of the nation.

Plant ecology instruction by using the potency of Sibolangit recreation forest can give direct learning experience and real for students. This matter can also give more learning experience retention for students as according to Edgar Dale (Sadiman et al. 2007). In this case, percent of retention according to Edgar Dale through out his cone experience is 10% from what we read, 20% from what we hear, 30% from what we see, 50% from what we both see and hear, 70% from what we say and 90% from what we both do and say and 95% what we teach others. In Sibolangit recreation forest can be found the plant that has giant flower, namely Amorphophallus titanicum Becc. This plant has specific character. The height of its flower can reach circa 210 cm at the blossom times. The distribution of this plant is restrictive and grows only in Sumatera. Therefore, many peoples want to search that plant for seeing.
Some animals that can also be found in Sibolangit recreation forest that can be used as learning resource for biology instruction. They are mouse deer (Tragalus sp), Owa (Hylobates moloch), Siamang (Hylobates sindactilus) and Owl (Tito spp.).

Dr. Binari Manurung, M.Si
Dosen Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Medan,
Dosen Program Pascasarjana Unimed

Proceeding of International Seminar Paper“Resource Based Instruction”
Department of Educational Technology Postgraduate Studies, The State University of Medan Cooperation with
Ikatan Profesi Teknologi Pendidikan Indonesia (IPTPI) North Sumatra

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